What are the benefits of registering with SusanaMonaco.com?
When you register and create your account with SusanaMonaco.com, we'll securely keep track of your information to ensure a simplified checkout process. You'll also be able to store all your addresses, manage your email preferences, check your order history and set up birthday and anniversary reminders.
Can I place an order without registering?
Yes, you can. You can bypass registering by selecting guest checkout in the login page during checkout. Registering will give you instant access to more information about your order.
What will you do with my information after I register?
Personal information relating to you and your order history are only available to you when you provide the correct password you created. Susana Monaco.com does not share your information with any other companies or services. You can find more information on our privacy policy page.
What if I forget my password?
Don’t worry if you forget your password, Susana Monaco.com can give you a hint. If you still can't remember, we can reset your password and/or email to a new one for you. For your security, we are unable to give out passwords over the phone or email them to a different email address than the one you used to register.
How do I track my order?
If you are a registered user, login to your account to track your order status. Tracking information may not be available for the first 24 to 48 hours after you receive your shipping confirmation email.
If you ordered several items, to be delivered to the same address, we will make every effort to send all available items together. If we are unable to fulfill your order in one shipment, we will send them to you in separate packages. We will also send you an email informing you of the status of your order.
When checking on the status of my order I received an "In Process" message. What does this mean?
"In Process" means your order is in the early stages of shipping. Changes to your order cannot be made during this time period.
Why am I paying tax on shipping and handling?
State tax regulations require we collect sales tax on shipping and handling where applicable. All sales taxes collected, are paid to the state where the merchandise is being shipped.
How is sales tax determined?
The sales tax rate and imposition is determined by the location where the merchandise is being shipped. Sales tax will be charged for purchases to the following states: New Jersey, New York.
How is the shipping and handling calculated for my order?
Shipping and handling charges are determined by the shipping method selected and the merchandise dollar amount of your order before any special offer deductions or sales tax calculation.
What is SusanaMonaco.com’s Return Policy?
Our return policy can be found here.
What forms of payment do you accept online?
We accept the following forms of payment at Susana Monaco.com:
- American Express
- Discover
- MasterCard
- Visa
- Apple Pay
- Amazon Pay
- Dinners
- Meta Pay
- Pay Pal
- Shop Pay
- Venmo
- Susana Monaco.com Online Gift Cards
I received an Online Gift Card via email. How can I use it?
The Online Gift Card(s) is redeemable toward SusanaMonaco.com purchases. To place an order online follow the following process: Registered Customers:
- To Place your order online at www.susanamonaco.com select Online Gift Card as your payment option during the checkout process. Then enter the card # and ID #.
- If your purchase exceeds the amount available on the susanamonaco.com Online Gift Card, a credit/debit card will be required for the difference. After completing your purchase, any unused balance will remain on your susanamonaco.com Online Gift Card for future purchases.
New Customers Will Need to Register your Online Gift Card:
- Click on the ‘My Account’ link.
- Register as a New Customer. This will create your ‘My Account’.
- Register your Online Gift Card.
- When activating your Online Gift Card, make sure your email address matches the address where your Online Gift Card was delivered. (It does not have to match the email address in Your Account).
- To Place your order online at www.susanamonaco.com select Online Gift Card as your payment option during the checkout process. Then enter the Online Gift Card # and ID #.
- If your purchase exceeds the amount available on the Susana Monaco.com Online Gift Card, a credit/debit card will be required for the difference. After completing your purchase, any unused balance will remain on your Susana Monaco.com Online Gift Card for future purchases.
- Record your card number in a safe place in case of loss, damage, or theft.
If you forget to click on the 'Online Gift Card' link, cancel your order and start again. Once your order has been submitted and paid for by means other than a gift card, you are unable to retrospectively use your gift certificate to offset that cost.